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Highway Emergency Linked Platform (HELP) Alerts Overview

HELP Alerts

HELP Alerts is an innovative system for establishing direct two-way communications with customers during roadway closures or other emergencies. With a simple dashboard, agencies can instantly activate a dynamic website, a text messaging system, and a phone system for communicating directly with travelers.

HELP Alerts uses INRIX Traffic data and is built on Information Logistics award-winning incident response and information system to establish direct two-way communications with travelers during roadway closures or other emergencies. HELP Alerts integrates with FEMA's Wireless Emergency Alerts, and is recognized as a demonstrated alert origination software.

Benefits for the Organization

  • No app needed
  • Clearer picture of the event queue length
  • Better information on types of vehicles and passengers involved in the event
  • First-hand information from effected drivers
  • Familiar technologies
  • Minimal staff interaction required
  • Simple interaction for mass notifications
HELP Alerts

Benefits for the Customer

  • No app needed
  • Official updates and latest relevant information delivered directly to the traveler
  • Updates delivered in the method most convenient for the traveler (phone call, text message, visit web page)
  • No need to comb through social media postings to find current and accurate information
  • Agencies have access to the location of participating travelers
  • Automated status update reminders prompt the organization to remain aware of driver status
HELP Alerts