The agency workers who take care of the maintenance on the roadway may be in the best position to report on the travel conditions. Whether at a computer at the maintenance shed, in the truck using a mobile phone, or answering a scheduled phone call from an automated IVR system, the Reports from the Roadcrews program lets your operation center staff get reliable, timely information from your workforce.
The "Reports" system tracks the weather, roadway temperature and condition, as well as visibility and roadway maintenance actions taken - as reported by your maintenance crews. Information can be reported via web, mobile app or call-in to an IVR system, providing a hands-free, eyes-free reporting method.
Operations center staff can also schedule call-outs to maintenance workers so that the system will call their mobile phones and walk them through the IVR responses - eliminating the need for busy work crews to remember to periodically call-in their reports.
No matter which method of reporting is used, all reports are managed by your operations staff with the administrative interface. The system can be customized to integrate with your ATIS system - converting road crew reports into traveler alerts with a single click.