Updated with more features! Get NJ Turnpike, Garden State Parkway, Atlantic City Expressway, and New Jersey Department of Transportation traffic information on your smart phone without ever taking your eyes off the road or your hands off the wheel.
The new SafeTripNJ menu features four main buttons that direct you to services:
Hands Free AND Eyes Free travel alerts with NO registration required! Listen to your phone play travel advisories near you, in your direction of travel. As you travel, it will automatically keep you updated.
You don't need to register, you don't need to sign up anywhere for anything. The app uses the phone's built in GPS to stream nearby alerts.
Turn it on before you leave and press "Drive Mode". It will start talking when you are getting near to a roadway problem. Alerts pause when you are on the phone, and pick up where they left off when you finish.
Start the application before starting out of your driveway. You will hear active New Jersey advisories that are within your range. Now put down the phone and focus on driving. There is now nothing you need to touch on the phone, and nothing you need to read on the phone. This is hands-free.
The application will remain on while you drive, "broadcasting" any travel alerts for reported conditions within a set mile-range (that you can set for yourself) of your current location.
Conditions will be broadcast once, and then the broadcast stream will go quiet until
If you get a call, or make a call while a travel alert is playing, the alert will pause, and will resume playing when the call has ended.
If you are not driving, or have a passenger who can operate the mobile device while you are behind the wheel, SafeTripNJ offers some additional features.
The application is based upon a patent-pending "Open Microphone Platform" which is a queue-driven, voice-streaming technology used in combination with your phone's built-in GPS. The data for the system is the NJTP, GSP, ACE and NJDOT travel advisory data.
Click here to view the Android "SafeTripNJ" application End User License Agreement (EULA).
Click here view the iPhone "SafeTripNJ" application End User License Agreement (EULA).